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Sarodj Bertin 

Ms.Bertin is going to be one of the most talked about contestants
at this year's Miss Universe pageant taking place this Saturday in
Las Vegas. One reason being, she's the first to hold that crown in
22 years. Another reason will more than likely be how she looks;
news of her winning against four other dark-skinned competitors
has raised some ire. But the most important reason is, she is tied
to her country and it's hardships in a dramatic way. Her mother
was human rights advocate Mireille Durocher Bertin, who was
murdered in 1995 as she was about to enter the presidential race.
Sarodj saw the entire thing. The tragedy inspired her to become
a lawyer and the 24 year old has been active in helping with
humanitarian efforts in Haiti in the aftermath of the earhtquakes,
which falls in line with her desire to help make the country strong
once more.

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