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A monthly assortment of reviews dedicated to art, culture,
and abiding the law to enjoy oneself!


Entries in Due Process: Events & Shows (2)


NYC: Introducing The House of Bando...CHOICH!

This past Sunday, New York City was graced with lovely weather that smacked 
of spring rising. A buoyant setting just right for the opening of the newest art
exhibit that featured the work of Iona Rozeal Brown. Introducing The House Of
Bando takes up where Brown left off in 2011, with her paintings a vibrant and 
fluid mixture of Japanese Kabuki theater, house and funk music’s power, and
in-your-face-color. Consisting of twelve paintings arranged as an altarpiece, and
chock full of influence from the Byzantine Era, Kabuki and Noh theater as well as
the dance clubs, Brown’s exhibit seduced you with rhythm the moment you walked
through the doors of Salon 94 Freeman. With deep house playing, and frankincense
burning at the doorway giving off the aura of being at a temple, CHOICH was a
stirring introduction to this new body of work.


Gallery: Orbital Arts

Orbital Arts
275 Augusta Avenue
Toronto, Canada

Nestled within Kensington Market, a hip neighborhood in
Toronto, Canada, Orbital Arts is a unique art gallery that
embraces you in the spirit of universal love. From the
moment you cross the chalk mural of a mandala outside
its doors to all of the dazzling artwork inside, Orbital Arts
strives to awaken your consciousness. The owner is
extremely warm and you’ll find yourself at ease viewing
the various pieces from Tibet, India and other locales.
Visit Orbital Arts on your next trip and you’ll find your
spirit better for it.