Dear Anonymous - Chris "Preach" Smith
Friday, July 8, 2011 at 2:09PM

For the past couple of months, there's been millions of angry teenagers
and adults because your group successfully took down Sony's Playstation
Network. Not only that, you had everyone scrambling once you told the
world that you bagged credit card numbers from users. Now there's some
serious questions going on as to how something like this could ever be
safe from hackers of your kind. I've only got one question for you, though:
are you satisfied with this?

I mean let's face it, targeting a video game/on-demand movie network that
size is major. But in the long run, if what you're after is fame through chaos,
aren't you playing it safe? I mean, if you really wanted to wreak havoc, why
not go for the jugular with a bigger target? Say, The Church of Scientology?
They've got acres and acres of information and money on top of it. Or how
about the Koch Brothers' private records? Do you know how much confusion
you'd bring to that bunch? Or even hack and publicize people's business like
Dominique Strauss-Kahn or Moammar Qaddafi. You might even get medals
for that.

I guess the short term is the best term outside of a prison term, huh?

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